LocationIQ uses a combination of open-source datasets behind its geocoding/ autocomplete API. Some of the datasets we rely on, like OpenStreetMap, tend to have results in local languages. Some others have results only in English. Specifying a language does not guarantee a response purely in that language. We will, however, do our best to favour that language if our data has it.

Our accept-language parameter will output addresses in the desired language when data is available. Required language has to be passed in the form of ISO 639-1 codes. If the language is not available, use ISO 639-2 Code (3 characters).

Either uses standard rfc2616 accept-language string or a simple comma separated list of language codes. The Autocomplete endpoint only supports a single ISO 639-1 language code, while Search and Reverse support multiple language codes separated by a comma.

Reverse geocoding example:
